When Catalytic Health was ‘born’, it started as an idea based on a simple premise: can an agency deliver exceptional results without being exceptionally expensive and over-priced. Having seen the inner workings of multiple global communication/marketing agencies, we knew this was possible. We have amazing account people, a full production studio, medical/copy writers, translators, proofreaders, a digital team and on and on and on. And while we’re heavily free-lance based in terms of our team, that doesn’t mean we’re pulling people in off the street to work on your business! It means that we allocate resources against your work that make sense from a cost perspective and from a skills perspective. The entire process is entirely invisible to our clients because the work gets done as efficiently and more cost-effectively than if we had to build estimates so that our clients paid for every ‘flick’ of a light switch, tassimo coffee capsule and/or flush of a toilet. We simply don’t have people sitting around ‘waiting for work’ to come through the door. Either we’re working on your business or we’re not (and if we’re not, you’re not paying).
We know we’re not too small to handle your work and we know we’re not over-priced—so, do we have the talent and expertise? Every single person at Catalytic Health has over 10 years (and many have 15+) of experience working in marketing/advertising & communications within the Canadian marketplace. Looking for a medical writer with experience in the anti-depressant area? We’ve got that covered. Need a digital guru who’s worked on iPad apps and mobile platforms? Look no further. A creative director with relevant experience in rheumatoid arthritis? We can help.
Our philosophy is simple and based on three main principles:
- Act with urgency—we do our work on time and on budget; we return your phone calls and/or emails within 24 hours; in our experience, the responsiveness of an agency is one of the highest-rated factors in client satisfaction.
- If you understand customer value, nothing else matters. If you don’t understand customer value, nothing else matters—on every project, we aim to understand where your (or your customer’s) value lies; what does a ‘win’ look like to you?; what is the definition of success to you? If we can understand that, the rest is easy……
- People do business with people they trust—Yes, you’ve probably heard this expressed many different ways such as, ‘people do business with people they like’; the social behavior literature suggests, beyond a doubt, that the single greatest driver of choice in picking people to do business with is trust. People want to sleep well at night knowing that their brands and business are being well-managed.